Paris Congress 2020 Documentation Page



13-15 November 2020, Online

  1.                Opening speech by LYMEC President 2.                Roll call and voting rights 3.                Election of Congress chairs, secretaries and scrutineers 4.                Adoption of the agenda 5.                Adoption of minutes from the Online Congress 6.                Urgency of resolutions (in case of urgency resolutions handed in) 7.                Snap vote on the order of resolutions (with presentation of resolutions) 8.                Bureau reports and debate about the reports

9.                Approval of the Programme of Action 2020-2022 10.             Secretary General report and debate about the report 11.             Approval of the new Secretary General 12.             Approval of the new Committee of Discipline and Arbitrage 13.             Finances a)                Requests for debt reductions and payment plans (for decision) - No request  b)               Interim Financial Report (for information) c)                Revised budget 2020 (for decision) d)                Interim internal audit report (for information) e)                Proposed membership fees 2021 (for decision) f)                 Draft budget 2021 (for decision) 14.             Membership issues a.      Applications for Associate Membership

b.      Applications for Full Membership

c.       Suspensions (No proposals) d.      Disaffiliations 15.             Statutory Changes (FR) and the translation (EN) including an explanatory note (EN). 16.             Changes to the Congress rules 17.             Presentation and vote on the outcomes of the policy book renewal working group 18.             Motions and Resolutions (Open for amendments on OpenSlides Congress tool)  19.             Reports from Member Organisations, IMS, the Committee of Discipline and Arbitrage and LYMEC Working Groups 20.             Any other business 21.             Closing